Monday, April 21, 2008

No school,State Cup,Spring Fling, Prom, and a Moglie wanna be.....

Friday was no school. How come I have to wake my kids up for school,but when there is a free day we must maximize the whole day? Bryce was up at the crack of dawn filling water balloons with Cameron. Don't get me wrong I love water balloons, but at 8AM? Still picking up balloon pieces, but they had fun:)

State cup started for Brie'el's soccer team. They had a game on Friday night and Sunday day. They won both games. WOO HOO!!! I am very proud of this team and their accomplishments this year. Brie'el plays defender. She was impressive this weekend. Go Arsenal!!!!

Then on Saturday we had "Spring Fling" with our neighborhood. Our homeowners does such a great job with neighborhood involvement. I would like to thank everyone who helped put this together!!!! We love this neighborhood and everything about it.

AND NOW FOR THE DOOZIE!!!!!! Brie'el went to prom!!!!!

We had a lot of fun picking out the dress,shoes, fixing her hair,and doing her nails. She was even more beautiful that night. Brie'el and Andrew had a wonderful time. They had dinner at Montes before the dance. This year prom was at the zoo. They had fun.

As my girl left for the dance, I had to wonder. I have one with a permit and another off at prom. I hope I have done a good job parenting because this is where it will show. I am not talking about how well they do in play group ,or if they eat all their Broccoli. I'm talking about morals. Who you are and what you stand for. Are you the kind of person who caves in to peer pressure, or are you the one who leads? It's a scary thing people. I can still guide my older ones, but they are well on their way to adulthood. At this point they have not given me any reason to not trust them, So I will parent accordingly. But I always listen,watch,and make sure I am friends with their friends.

I think this wraps up my crazy life for the moment........
OH one more thing..Anyone watch The jungle book? Remember how Moglie would crawl around? I think we have a new child actor here!


Laurel said...

Holy cow! What a week! Brie'el looked gorgeous! I mean really! But that boy's parents need to teach him to open the car door for a lady. Seriously!

And why did I not see you at the Spring Fling? How did I miss you? I'm glad you all were there and had a good time.

Widdison Warbler said...

What? She's old enough for Prom? Wow, time sure flies! How beautiful