Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's Tuesday!!!!!


You are never too old for Good Night Moon.

I read to my kids EVERY night. I start reading to my kids really when they are born. But more on a routine at about 6 months. Every night before they go to bed, we read. We also negotiate how many books we get to listen to.(Depending on the length of book you see)

Each child has a favorite.Kelsey loves Barney and Dora books. Oh,, and Barbi:) We now have a rule. No Christmas stories until November. She will pick a Christmas book every night if I let her.

Kyler's favorite book called FANG!!!! It is a book about spiders,snakes,bugs,mammals......You get the drift. He can tell you alot about these creatures. What they eat... if they are poisonous. Last night I was tired. Really tired. He wanted another book. So I looked in the bookcase for a short one. I took a chance.....How about Good night moon?(thinking it was a bit juvenile) He agrees. Now we all know the book by heart. As I am reading, I glance over at my 11 year old. He is mouthing the words to this book. I read this book to him when he was little. Now at this point I smirk,"Hey Bryce..... You like this book?" "Sure" he says. "It's Good Night Moon"


Laurel said...

I love goodnight moon! I'm definitely not too old...am I? Nah!

Kyle said...

Cute story! It is a good book! Are you going to continue doing Mom Tip Tuesday...if so I will look forward to it :)

mother of seven said...

I think I am... Hopefully I can come up with good ones each week:)