Friday, April 18, 2008

Confession of a mommy......

I am still organizing my house. It's 3940 sq ft, so it is a lot of space to keep clean and in order. Mind you I have 8 other members of my family who really are happy here and do not care if my cupboards are clean, toilets are scrubbed, or carpets vacuumed. Today in particular, I am in my laundry room. I look on my shelf and I see this.......

Is it so bad that I hid this from my loving family? Now before anyone raises an eyebrow over this, remember I do not do much for myself. Most everything I buy is for someone else. I am always the last to eat, and will sacrifice my portion for someone else ALWAYS. So why am I hiding this box of Sweet and Salty Granola bars#!? Because they are awesome!!!! I love salty and sweet. Made by Hershey's, it's a granola bar with pretzels dipped in chocolate.

In my defense, I will open the box eat 1 or 2, then I will give out the rest. Fair? I think so. The funny part is I hid this box a month ago...And found it today. Try it guys it's yummy.

One more story for you(embarrassing, that is). I looked in my bedroom closet and found the 10 boxes of girl scout cookies Frank bought in February. I am not a food hoarder, I promise. I just want to doll them out. You see with a family so large, and so many friends over, these could be got in a week.

So I confess, to myself and others I have been known to hide food. I think I got it from my mom. Yes Mom, I am going to wipe this bugger on you. When I was young and living at home, it was my job to dust,which I hated. I am assuming I did not do a very good job because my mom would hide snacks in things. Vases,baskets, anything she knew I would not move to dust. You know I never found a thing. You can imagine now that we live in Arizona(we lived in Washington then) how I feel about dusting now.AARGH!!!!


Kyle said...

Jodi..that is so funny! But I guess a house with 9 people living in gotta do what you gotta do!

The Kriloff Klan said...

I have a house with only 5 & I admit to hiding things on occasion. You are totally justified!

Kyle said...

HI Jodi...taht park I went to was on McQueen and Germann...right off the 202 (its kind of took me like 20 minutes to get there) but it was way fun!

Laurel said...

My mom hid goodies, too. I think you have to when your family is that big. Otherwise you never see it again. Besides Mommies need something of their own once in a while. Well, at least I do.

Widdison Warbler said...

My mom always hid stuff from the 6 of us kids. She had to. Being a mom entitles us to our own little treats. And when our kids are older, they'll do the same.

Melissa said...

That's a crack up. I am guilty of hiding food also.