Monday, September 29, 2008

Frank the Tank is now Sterile Jerrell

Vasectomy is a surgical procedure in which the vasa deferentia of a man are cut for the purpose of sterilization.

This is serious stuff. Frank watched the procedure on you tube and freaked out. I wish he hadn't. This procedure was delayed a good year.

When Frank and I first got married, Frank thought we would have 2 kids. I disagreed. Neither on of us ever thought 7 wonderful children were in our plan. We are thankful for each of our kids and would not have it any other way. After child number 5 my family would joke...."Is this it?"or "You know how this happens right?"

Yes...The milk man comes and miraculously I get a baby... Right?

I think the reason we held of for so long was how permanent the procedure is. It is done in the doctors office, but let's face it. It is in a sensitive area.

Frank did really well. With a sript for vallium, he was on his way. For almost 2 days!!!I did not notice it til I got home, and he stepped out of the car. Instantly, he reminded be of Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. You know the crazy walk Johnny Depp pulls off in this movie? Little too much rum....

This doctor did so good. Frank has had little discomfort. I have not given him tylenol or ice packs. I am truly amazed. Less than 48 hours later Frank was convinced he could go play golf. I had to convince him it was not a good idea and told him to go sit down. He gets a cold and I have a 47 year old baby, he gets a vasectomy and he is invinsible!!!


Laurel said...

Well, good grief! I leave for a few days, and look what happens! Big news! Frank finally cowboy'd up, eh? Well, I can't say I blame him for his hesitancy. Remind me next time we are together to tell you my brother's visectomy story. It's hilarious!

Aimee & Josh Jensen said...

holy cow! only 2 kids at the beginning lol
thats funny!

i don't think josh would ever get that done lol