Thursday, September 11, 2008


This is a funny story......

In the back of your mind you have to wonder is my son smart? or is everyone out there "not so smart!!!"

Keigan turns in his application at Subway. He speaks with the manager. He asks him a few questions. Why he wants a job at Subway and a few math problems. Counting back correct change that sort of thing. He asks specifically, which bills and coins would you hand out for the change 6.45. Keigan says a 5.oo bill, a 1.00 dollar bill, a quarter, and 2 dimes. the guy was impressed.(remember he manages a Subway) Keigan was the first kid that did not say 6 1.00 bills. Keigan thought that was so funny. Why would I hand out 6 ones? He went in for an interview last night. The other kids that had an interview tonight did not show.

I'm not sure what this guy is waiting for. Does he realize Keigan is in Ap math? What percentage of kids who work at Subway can count back change?

I love it when I give the cashier enough money to get a quarter back and I get a blank stare, or when they hit the incorrect amount in the til and they have to come up with the amount on their own. Basic math people!!!

Hopefully this will all work out. I'm voting for the job at Basha's. They will be hiring in a week or so. We shop there all the time. If he gets the job our family will get a discount on groceries!!!!


Laurel said...

Discounted groceries?? Can Logan apply? :0) The change thing is one of my pet peeves. I vote that Keigan work at Subway. The baby insists I eat there a lot, and I don't want 6 1.00 bills in change! He gets my vote!

Pam said...

That is so funny! I love to try to confuse the fast food workers with giving them odd money amounts. Such as if I buy food that costs $16.76 I will give them $22.01 - a $20 and 2 $1's and a penny. That way I get a $5 back and a quarter instead of pennies and ones. They look at me like I am nuts. hee hee