Thursday, September 25, 2008

Shadow your student day

I went to DRJHS yesterday with Kilean. Kilean wanted me to go this year. Not sure if it was out of guilt from last year. Here's how last year went...
Jodi: Looking at her calendar...."Kilean when is shadow your student day?"

Kilean: Muttering under her breath "Last week"

Jodi: (I already figured out I missed it)"So you did not want me to go?"

Kilean : "I did not think it was a big deal"

Jodi: "To you or me?"

Kilean: (She has now figured out she stepped in it)"Mom... I am sorry. I thought it would be too much for you." (with Brenlie in all)

I never said any more about it. I was clearly bummed about it. I love to do those things.

So this year she made it clear she wanted me to go!!!

I have to say I do not miss going to junior high. My heart bleeds to all the unnoticed children at this school. I wonder what life is like for them. One girl never included themselves in any activity. They were avoided by the kids and the staff. They wanted to be avoided. (Or do they?)

I saw this on one of the walls in the band room.

Being popular isn't always right.
Being right isn't always popular.

Amen to that. I can remember in school wanting to be included. My fear was standing by myself, sitting alone at lunch, or not having anyone around. I moved twice in junior high-high school and "girls" in particular don't accept the new kid very well. It took a lot of time for me to find my niche.

It's funny... when you are in school you meet people because of circumstance. You attend the same school so your lives cross. When you graduate life moves on. It is no longer convenient. You make a choice to continue a friendship. Or not to continue the friendship.

But the kind of person you end up to be is influenced by your high school friends.

That is why my philosophy is to include everyone all of the time.

My only hope is that I have raised my kids to be kind and considerate. To be inclusive. If they are not....well lets just say "They will answer to the BIG UGLY!!!"

1 comment:

Pam said...

So true. I can remember girls being SO mean in junior high (even I was mean at times unfortunately). I felt bad that some of the kids didn't have parents there and they looked like they wished they did. I "adopted" a few that day and it was fun.

We were a lot more innocent in junior high. These kids are all dealing with a lot more heavy stuff at an earlier age.

I sure hope my kids are nice to everyone at school. I teach them to be kind to everyone, but I'm not sure what really happens. I tell my kids to invite everyone who is interested in coming over when we have get togethers. I don't want them to be clicky.

I also tell them that a lot of the so called geeky kids end up being the most successful and self-assured later in life. Popularity in Junior High and HS does not correlate with success in life.