Monday, May 19, 2008

Mommy Tip Tuesday.....

I was talking to a friend yesterday, and we agreed everything is better cooked with butter or bacon.I still believe that to be true. But I did forget one little secret.
Now this is not for any of you on a diet or watching the fat intake of their diet. This is for people like me. People who like good food who sometimes forgo the "diet" for awhile.

My secret is this bad boy......

Let's can cook just about anything in this I guess. But here are a few of our favorite "Deep Fried " fav's.......chicken nuggets, frozen burritos, taquitos, fish sticks, french fries, tator tots, won tons, tempura, Katsu chicken, coconut shrimp........

If I do fish, I will change the oil. If not, I can reuse the oil for about a week. It is really quick to heat up and super fast to use.

We don't use it all the time but when I pull it out we try to figure out what we can deep fry next. I would say frozen burros and chicken nuggets are the most liked:)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Mmm...tater tots.

Dh says that you could deep fry a boot and he'd eat it!

Thanks for the tip! :) And, yes, we do need to get the girls together - like every week!