Sunday, May 4, 2008


Am I a bad parent? I'm on the computer, and I have the baby with me. I try to get her interested in something in the game room. But I am on the computer. I am checking emails, and don't want to be bothered. Kelsey is on auto pilot in her room watching Dora. Did I mention I was on the computer? Every 5 minutes I have to leave the room to go get Brenlie. Why won't she just stay put? I don't understand why she can not play in the room I'm in. She keeps wandering away.

It's quiet.......Too quiet. So I call, "Brenlie!!!" then I hear her. "HI" Then I hear our little electric piano. I think "isn't that cute?" Kelsey is helping her play a song. But I see Kelsey playing on her bed. "Brenlie?" ......"HI"

That little fart was STANDING ON A CHAIR......PLAYING THE PIANO!!!!!

First I grabbed my camera!!!!
Then I told her to get down. You can get hurt!!!!
Didn't she get the memo......I'M ON THE COMPUTER!!!!!!

Am I cute?

Mom!!!!! I'm playing a song. Look at me:)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh my goodness! London was very good to me and never did stuff like that. Kirby is making up for it. I surprised we haven't found him on the roof yet. But when we do, I'll definitely get a picture first! LOL!