Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My brother is amazing!!!!!

I got a call from my brother Dylan. I need to come over and bring the kids. I feel bad because he is trying to get his business together and I have not been much help. I know I have been busy, but it's no excuse.
Kilean is excited because she wants to fly on his trapeze. No I'm not kidding people, he has set up a full size trapeze. Can I brag and tell you all how neat and exciting this is?
So Kilean and her friend Ashley give it a shot!!! It is a blast. Then Dylan walks over to me with a safety harness and says YOUR TURN. Now he is firm. GO!!! Mind you when I was younger I was more of a thrill seeker. But now, I'm not so sure. So reluctantly I climb up the long ladder. I get to the top. Now I am not feeling so brave any more. Scared is the right word. It is high up. What if I let go? What if I fall(Never mind I have a harness). I have to lean forward,grab a bar, and jump!!!At this point I tell him NOPE!!! I'm done. You never asked me if I wanted to do this!!! His spotter tells me I have no more choices and to go!!!!
So I did.......I did not let go. And guess what? That was the most fun I have had in forever!!!!I did it again with way less complaining. And I'm hooked. It is so much fun.
This is the best part of my story. Kyler did it. He turned 6 last week. He flew up that ladder, got himself situated and went!!!! I thought he would totally freak out. I almost did. He was amazing. He hung upside down and swung all around. And he did it more than once. He is my thrill seeker. Kelsey had no part of it.
Dylan has done this for years. He has worked for Club Med and Seaworld. For the last few years he has been on tour all over the world doing this kind of stuff.

1 comment:

Julie said...

That is soooo cool Jodi!! Where is he doing this at? Will he give lessons? How much? That is just awesome...where are the pics of you?