Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cainen Isley Hammer 8-28-09

Misty and my brother asked me about a month ago if I would consider being there when the baby was born. I was very happy to be included in a birth that was not my own. I am very proud to say I witnessed the amazing birth of my 1st nephew!!!

I was called at 8PM with the news that Misty's water had broken. Determined to not miss a thing, I got my stuff together and went to the hospital. We had a lot of fun staying up all night together, having late night snacks, and having a little bit of fun with barf bags!!!

This was so funny in the middle of the night...

I would say the birth was perfect. Misty got her epideral. We were able to get some rest before he was born. The doctor came in to check Misty at 9:30. SHe was at a 9!!! BY 10:18 the baby was born. I think we stalled some so we could wait for the doctor. It was totally amazing! I cut the cord.

I later on learned I was also there to help my squeemish brother. Turns out he is not a fan of hospitals!!!I don't blame him. If I had not been there 7 times myself and did not know what to expect, I would feel the same way! I guess we are both BIG wimps!!!

We are all so excited to have a cousin!!! My kids are enjoying a baby in our family. My brother and Misty live 1 mile away. Sure makes it easy to visit!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

8/28/09 silly.....not July! :) So glad you were with us on such an amazing day!