Is this not the cutest hand ever?
Back float
I love this shot of Frank and Brenlie walking away
snow cone anyone?
This lady was really great with the kids
say cheese
I must resist the flowers....
My brother call me and asked me if we wanted to come over and swim at his community pool. I was so excited since the kids were bored and needed to get out of the house. The fun part is they were handing out free hotdogs, snow cones, cotton candy, soda, and chips. They also had a balloon and face painting lady. She was a lot of fun and the kids had a blast.
Kelsey and Kyler swam for 3 hours straight. They stopped to eat and sneak a snowcone in the pool.....shhh!!! The funny part was I realized they were in the pool (then took a picture) cuz I had to chuckle, then told them to get out. At that point Kyler went under water and forgot about his treat. Need less to say I was a little late on that one!!!
Brenlie loved her balloons and her little hand pained. She sucked down diet pepsi and ate her hotdog. Kyler and Kelsey swam til their hands and feet were totally pruny.
I am looking forward to more warm pool days!!
Your family is welcome anytime to our house this summer to swim!! Just let me know when the kids need a dip!!
Man, I'm missing you!! You left without saying goodbye! But I know how fast life gets moving. The house looks great! And it is fun to catch up on your blog. I haven't been so good about being in touch lately either. This new baby thing is really absorbing all of my free time!!! But, I can always make time for you. We need to get together sometime.
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