Friday, March 6, 2009

Dead guy in the desert?

This was less than a quarter mile from my old house.......

Man ejected, killed by truck in Mesa

Gary Grado, Tribune

March 5, 2009 - 1:01PM

A tow truck driver removes a truck from the scene of a fatal accident near Desert Ridge Junior High in Mesa.

Tim Hacker, TribunePassersby found the body of a 36-year-old man Thursday who was ejected from a pickup truck and struck by it.

Sgt. Ed Wessing, a Mesa police spokesman, said the wreck was just east of Crismon Road where Madero Avenue ends at a patch of desert, near Desert Ridge Junior High and Desert Ridge High School.

Wessing said the discovery of the wreckage and body came about 7 a.m.

He said a nearby resident went out between 1:30 a.m. and 2 a.m. to look for wreckage after hearing screeching and the sound of a collision, but she couldn’t find anything.

Later that morning, people passing by the wreckage called police to report what they had found.

Wessing said investigators measured skid marks of 180 feet before the truck left the road, an indication it was traveling fast.

Investigators are in the process of notifying the man’s relatives.

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