Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's an amazing thing......

It is an amazing thing. You can prepare soil. Put water to it.Then add one "little" seed. Wait for it. And in 7-10 days you can see it!!!!!!
Frank decided this year we were going to grow zucchini. We love to eat them. His dad always grew them, so this year we are going to give it a shot.
Kyler is the most excited to watch them grow. He was the first to spot them. Every morning he goes out back "to check them out"
I still have not bought my hanging tomato thingy. My mom(the optimist)says it should work. My Dad (the pessimist)says they will cook upside down. And make a mess.
Hmmmmmm...... I'm going to try anyways.
Fresh veggies will be awesome:)

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