Saturday, May 17, 2008

Any Indiana Jones Fans out there?

We are very excited for the new Indiana Jones movie to come out. "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" May 22nd is opening day.

It's funny I can remember as a child these movies new to theatre. My kids are now watching them. We are having a marathon this weekend. I bought Frank the movies on dvd for his Happy Birthday and the kids are loving it!!!!

I am excited to see the difference in technology from the origional movies to today.

I am hoping to finish out this Saturday on the couch with some popcorn and a soda!!! Wish me luck.


Amanda said...

It starts THIS May 22nd? I thought it was still a long way off.

Looks like I'll be planning a date night soon with Mr. Ford. I hope hubby won't mind. LOL!

Ruth said...

My kids are watching Lost ark right now. lol!! They are so excited. We went and saw Prince Caspien this last weekend. My kids loved it!