Monday, April 28, 2008


I am smiling!!!


Melissa said...

I am glad you are smiling. It's monday.

Amanda said...

Did you get it fixed? It looks like you have all your stuff on the sidebar. I've changed my template more than once and have never lost my sidebar.

One time, blogger did something to my template when I simply added a picture at the bottom. Really knocked things out of whack but I just went in and deleted the picture, added it again and everything was fine.

One thing, if you haven't discovered this already - whenever you add a picture to your sidebar, it SAYS it will shrink to size but it LIES! You DO have to shrink your sidebar pics to fit. No more than 200 pixels wide. FYI

If it's still messing with you, let me know. I'll come over and try to help with it. :)

Kyle said...

Glad you figured it out :)