Monday, April 21, 2008

Complimenting the Right way....

It's Mommy tip Tuesday!!!!!!!

I have yet another bad habit.... Do you want to hear it? I use the words "but" a lot. Notice its with one t not two!!!!

Raising this many kids can be challenging. I really try to compliment whenever I can. But I do have a bad horrible habit. I will tell you what fabulous job you did. Then I will add my 2 cents worth. I like the help, but it needs to be done my way. NOT GOOD. No one wants to hear how they almost did a good thing. And nobody likes it when you come by behind and "finish it right"

I have made this my New Years Resolution, To let some things go. I compliment and leave it at that. (There are still times after they go to bed I will rearrange things),but for the most part I have been doing better. It is working. They are more willing to help,especially if they think I will not "say anything " negative.

So My tip for this Tuesday is compliment without a negative,it really works:)


Julie said...

Jodi, It's only Monday!! So start thinking of another tip for tomorrow...Silly!!

Kyle said...

Great tip! I think that I can definetly be better at staying positive..thanks for the reminder :)

Amanda said...

Yes, this is SOOOOO true! I've had to watch myself with this one as well. Not just with London but with my hubby, too! lol!

My dad used to call this "a pat on the back and a kick in the a**". I try not to do any kicking but it's still something I need to work on.

Great reminder! :)