Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Little boys and baseball

It doesn't matter how old or young you are, boys are adorable in their uniforms. I love to watch my kids play ball. It's been awhile. Kyler is so cute out there. In fact they all are. He got to play catcher this time. Such a treat. The kids all run for the ball. I always call it "magnet ball" It's so funny to watch. They all run to get the ball and when they finally get it. They freeze. Then throw it.

My favorite part is listening to them say 1 2 3 Grasshoppers!!!! I look forward to this season, we have a lot of nice families.


Julie said...

this is my favorite time of the year!! I love baseball season. And you're right, they all look so darn cute in their uniforms.

The Kriloff Klan said...

What a great team you have! Too funny, Sean & I are sitting in the background watching Layton's game. It was last night right? I love T-ball!

mother of seven said...

Yes mam.... were you guys the red team we played?

Kyle said...

You are right...they are an adorable bunch of boys!

Kyle said...

oops..and girls :)

Laurel said...

I am totally enjoying t-ball. And so is Logan, which is--I suppose--more important! ;0) I hope you are getting some rest after your big trip. You have more energy than me, my friend. I am in awe!

Widdison Warbler said...

Hey not only little boys, but grown men sure look good in their baseball pants. I remember Tony wearing his softball uniform and loved seeing him in the pants. Of course that was 17 years and 50 pounds ago! ha