Monday, March 9, 2009

Kyler and Dr Seuss

The Cat in the Cat is as fun as can be. How I wish I could be as fun as he!


I would balance a plate scissors and crayons and a bowl of water and pencils and hand sanitizer!!!

I have to laugh... Kyler is a germaphobe. He likes to use hand sanitizer. I had to take it off his backpack because he used it so much it became a problem.

Kyler is a huge fan of Dr. Seuss!!! I am glad, he really enjoys to read.

1 comment:

Pam said...

We like the Dr. Seuss night too :)

LOL on the hand sanitizer overdose. My middle son used the hand sanitizer so much that we had to forbid him from using it at all at school. I brought some special foaming sanitizer that doesn't dry his skin and he is only allowed to use it before he eats. I'm afraid he gets the germ issues from me....