Saturday, July 5, 2008

This is fun.....

This post is for anyone who has known me awhile. If you live or once lived in Dobson Ranch. Do you remember the Knight Family? Well if you do their oldest daughter graduated from high school this year. I look at these pictures and wonder where the time went. I was very good friends with their mother. I cried the day they moved. They left the hot horrid desert for Camus, Washington. It is beautiful. They have 5 lovely girls and 1 handsome boy.

Nadine sent me these pictures a few days ago.I had such a good time looking at them, I thought other friends of theirs would like to also.

Hillary will go to college next year at BYU. I believe Marine Biology( I hope I am right on that!!)

Both girls went to prom this year. I am sure they had a fabulous time!!!

I did not get a chance to catch up with Nadine. Between the both of us we are pretty busy. But it sounds like everyone is doing good. We did get a chance to visit them 3 years ago(time flies). Camus is the cutest little town. Their neighborhood was quaint. I miss the northwest in the summer!!!!!

1 comment:

Kyle said...

Hey, my sister in law (Benson's sister) and her family live in Camus! Its a pretty small town...ask your friends if they know the Krieger family!