Sunday, June 29, 2008

The party was a hit!!!!

My soccer party went well. We had twice as many people as I thought. I ended up pulling out more tables and chairs out of the garage. That is a good thing.

We ate and ate and ate. The kids played rock band and swam. Most of the girls spent the night. I was really happy with the turnout.

But...... I forgot to take pictures. OOPS That is so unlike me. I think I was a little overwhelmed and simply forgot. I am looking forward to doing it again.

Funny story..... One of the parents ask me for a cup. I say sure in the cupboard over by the door. Then I hear...

"Any cups that are not sippy cups?"

I laugh and say "so you want a cup that does not have a lid and is not plastic?"

7 kids I say!!! picky picky picky

So do I need glasses around here?......tile floor?

Nope I decide not....plastic all the way

1 comment:

Ruth said...

It is so hot. I can't even think about having a party! I can't wait to go out of town!! I think we go swimming so much that my kids are getting bored!! You are awesome for doing it!