Thursday, February 28, 2008

What to do with the stupid birds?

OK I want to start off with I LIKE BIRDS.... They are pretty, they sing well, I even like their nests. Baby birds are fun to watch and learn. But, What about the two doves that sit above your car all night and poop? Everywhere I go, I get teased about the huge amount of bird poop on my car. How do I get rid of them? Obviously without hurting them.... Can I give them a bill for all the poop on my driveway, or for the carwash? I want them gone!!!!!!! We did scare them one night and it took a week to forget. They are back! HELP ME GUYS:) I have enough to clean up around here.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ok I am done now:)

As you can see we had a blast!!!! Dylan is awesome. He has so much patience and his talents are unbelievable. This school will open up the first week in March!!!!!!

I have more pictures!!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My brother is amazing!!!!!

I got a call from my brother Dylan. I need to come over and bring the kids. I feel bad because he is trying to get his business together and I have not been much help. I know I have been busy, but it's no excuse.
Kilean is excited because she wants to fly on his trapeze. No I'm not kidding people, he has set up a full size trapeze. Can I brag and tell you all how neat and exciting this is?
So Kilean and her friend Ashley give it a shot!!! It is a blast. Then Dylan walks over to me with a safety harness and says YOUR TURN. Now he is firm. GO!!! Mind you when I was younger I was more of a thrill seeker. But now, I'm not so sure. So reluctantly I climb up the long ladder. I get to the top. Now I am not feeling so brave any more. Scared is the right word. It is high up. What if I let go? What if I fall(Never mind I have a harness). I have to lean forward,grab a bar, and jump!!!At this point I tell him NOPE!!! I'm done. You never asked me if I wanted to do this!!! His spotter tells me I have no more choices and to go!!!!
So I did.......I did not let go. And guess what? That was the most fun I have had in forever!!!!I did it again with way less complaining. And I'm hooked. It is so much fun.
This is the best part of my story. Kyler did it. He turned 6 last week. He flew up that ladder, got himself situated and went!!!! I thought he would totally freak out. I almost did. He was amazing. He hung upside down and swung all around. And he did it more than once. He is my thrill seeker. Kelsey had no part of it.
Dylan has done this for years. He has worked for Club Med and Seaworld. For the last few years he has been on tour all over the world doing this kind of stuff.

We are going to do the most amazing fun thing ever!!!

I can't wait to share what we are going to do. My brother is starting his own business. I'm going to take pictures and we are going to try it out.....Then I'll share:)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The neighborhood bunny

This bunny is a family friend. He or she (I'm not sure) can be seen in our back yard every day. This bunny knows I am trying to take its picture. We stop and enjoy it all the time. But the moment I get my camera.... The bunny goes away!!!!!My kids love it, and best of all I do not have to pick up after it!!! Lovely thought. I am sorry the picture is not any better. I will make it a personal challenge to get a better one. Now keep in mind I have a lot of things I should be doing. Fighting with the neighborhood bunny is not one of them.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Kilean's 13th Birthday.....

We obviously had a busy day. In adddition to Valentines Day it was also Kilean's Birthday. She is definately 13!!!!!!WE are getting sick of cake. This is our 3rd birthday this month.(Bryce's is on the 24th)So I made Jello and put them into these cute glasses. Put whipped cream on top and VOILA Happy Birthday!!!!SHe had a good day. Her official fun day will be on Monday. I will take her out with her friends like I did with Brie'el. I seriously can't wait until all this craziness is over!!!!

Kyler's class

It is so fun to go into Kyler's classroom. His teacher has so much help I do not many opportunities to help. I have been assigned class photographer. I take pictures then give them to the teacher every month. I love it!!!!!She had such a good idea. She had a Valentine's scrapbook made for each kid. They each received a box filled with Valentines. Then they glued them into their book and wrote who they where from. Then you had a book filled with Valentines. In recent years they got lost and were all over the floor. Good Idea. We also decorated cookies. YUM

Aren't these beautiful?

Frank brought these home for me... I have to give him credit, he brings flowers home all the time. I think this is one of the most beautiful bouquets ever.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Meet Copper,Viper,Tiger, and Sharky.....

Well here it is!!!! The wonderful fish tank. Kyler picked EVERYTHING out. He had to have red rock. Something to hide in. And colorful plants. He must of thought about it because he was not uncertain about any of this. He was also very certain about the names of his fish. He waited so long for this. Ok SHHHHHHH we have a little secret. PetSmart has a 14 day policy on fish for a reason. Lets just say one of his fish went to sleep.Tip for my friends.....NEVER get a smaller fish that what you already have. My oldest son(16)was the only one that noticed. "Hey Mom", he says. "Did you notice how much this fish has grown in just a couple of days?" Kelsey who is proudly keeping a secret looks at him and says SHHHHHHH!!!!!! I'm not sure if he got it. I hope we keep these fish for a while. I am sure they will get over fed all the time. It doesn't matter how old my kids are, they all want to feed the fish. Kyler was so excited for the bala shark his father brought home today. He was a little nervous about the other fish. He wanted to know how long it would be til the shark ate the others!!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ok Laurel my color is.........

My color is black. The color of night. Serene and mysterious, black conjures up images of elegant evening gowns, dashing tuxedos, and gleaming limousines. Traditionally a symbol of success, black also represents power and an uncompromising demand for perfection. Not surprisingly, you tend to set challenging goals for yourself and do whatever it takes to achieve them — your strength of character is second to none. This unfaltering determination, along with your natural elegance, impresses people. But keep in mind that your personality might be intimidating to some. Try to temper your demanding side with a little softness — trust us, it won't kill you. Overall, though, black is the color of professionalism and achievement, which means it's clearly the color for you.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Kyler had his 6th Birthday party .......

My little man will be 6 on Sunday. We are busy this weekend, so I pulled him out of school so we could have a PARTY!!!!!!Nuts and bolts he played hookie. We went to the new bowling ally on Gilbert and Ray. It is so nice in there. We had a blast. We bowled,ate pizza and chicken strips(it was real chicken not pieces parts),and played video games. It was so fun watching these guys bowl. With bumpers and this neat little ramp thing.You have to see it. You put the ball on top and you let it go. I was impressed. One kid plays bowling on his Wii. He beat me hands down. Ok everybody beat me. But I had fun and that's all that counts:)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm not done yet.....

NOw it is time for the dinner. Can I tell you Brie'el has good taste? She better marry a rich man. She picked The Bamboo Club.YUM!!!!!I forget how much I enjoy a good, well cooked meal. And this was one!!!!We had so much fun.One of Brie'el's friends is a vegetarian. So she ordered a tofu dinner. It was very good. We eat tofu all the time so it is not unusual to us. Berlin did not think so. I think she gagged it up!!!!! But my drumroll favorite is the horseradish sauce. I tried it and said it was very good, but hot. I guess that was taken as a challenge. Would it be too hot for them? Well look at Berlin's face and tell me what you think....Jodi was right again.!!!!!!!Dessert was to die for.They lit her fruit on fire... Then put it on top of icecream.Strawberries, Raspberries and Blueberries. Happy Birthday Brie'e'l

Thank Goodness she only turns 15 once.....

I had so much fun today. My daughter turned 15. We have 4 birthdays this month AND soccer tournaments for the next 3 weekends. This does not leave much time for a party. So we had to be creative. MY idea was a pedicure and dinner of your choice with 3 of your friends.It was a hit!!!!!First we got our pedicures. I love it. We go to this place called Trina's Nails. On Ellsworth just south of Sonic. They do a wonderful job, plus they masssage with hot rocks....It is WONDERFUL.My heals look and feel wonderful.(For 5.00 extra)LOL It took an hour for all of us to get done but it was well worth it. I love pretty toenails. Brie'el got a french manicure with diamonds.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I wish I could do that!!!!

Kelsey has the ability to fall asleep anywhere,anytime,or anyplace. I love it. She will simply say mommy I am tired. Then I will notice a wonderful thing.... Can you all guess what it is? If you know Kelsey well enough you may know....SILENCE. SHe makes me laugh,cry, and wonder....Will you ever be quiet!!!!!Sunday was a wonderful day. We stayed in our pajamas,ate, slept, and watched tv. Ok who am I kidding... I did a few hundred loads of laundry!!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Ok here we go

I think I am going to give this a try...Blogging. Everyone else does it, so why not give it a try? I'm not sure how much time I will have to do it, but maybe it will give me a chance to keep in touch with people I don't always keep in touch with. Or don't return their calls(sorry about that guys!!!!!)
Baby Brenlie is 10 months old now.She finally sleeps thru the night. Does she crawl....NO Does she have to.....NO. Is she spoiled YES I was so worried about having 7 children. I was not sure waht I was going to do and if I was going to have enough help. I do. She is such a good baby and a great sport. I can't say how many soccer games she has been to or how many road trips she has endured, But i can tell you she is a wonderful baby. Boy I needed that:)My kids are wonderful I appreciate their help.